Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I found this article today and couldn't help but think, "Hmmm..." Its about "Mormon Entrepreneur" from Las Vegas who uses calendars to poke fun at stereotypes about Mormons.

Hot Mormon Muffins Calendar Debuts

He has been excommunicated for his calendars called "Men on a Mission." Its a series of calendars of returned missionaries, all shirtless. He was excommunicated last year because the calendar "is not in keeping with the values espoused by the Mormon church." The funny thing, a friend of mine bought me one of these "Men on a Mission" calendars two years ago for Christmas. I threw it away because it felt funny to me that these RM's would pose for a calendar like this.

His latest round of calendars are called "Hot Mormon Muffins" and features 12 stay at home Mormon moms. Every picture depicts these women in classic pinup poses and outfits. The article interviews one of the "Models" about why she choose to be in the calendar. She thinks its funny, and that people should have a sense of humor.

Now I'm all about reaching out to the community, being a presence, and trying to influence society for good. But I can't help but think, these calendars do the exact opposite. If he truly wanted to cut down stereotypes about Mormon Moms, wouldn't he want the calendars to be tasteful and to show the women in modest dress? A good majority of Mormons are college educated, very involved with their children's schools, and have the potential to be a major force for good through the Relief Society.

Also, to show these moms in pinup outfits making muffins, and then to claim that this is to cut down stereotypes is quite hypocritical. If anything, hopefully these calendars will remind society that there is something beautiful about Mormon women and raise their curiosity enough to find out why that is.

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