Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm so Excited!!

First of all I wanted to post this picture of our house. You can see DJ and my brother in law Jeff filling in an unwanted basement window with cement. I don't know who thought that a window that filled up with water because it was surrounded by a cement walk way was a good good idea, but we took care of it. For those of you who have been following the house plans, we have picked a winner. I'm actually drawing in where the garage and walk ways will be, so stay posted.

As you can tell, the size of this home is very small. We will be adding another 600 square feet onto the back of the property and a detached oversized one car garage and carport. I can't wait!

Ok on to the next reason for my post. Can I express how excited I am for this election year! No I cannot. While I was disheartened when Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, I have been invigorated by the race between Obama and McCain. Obama just delivered a wonderful speech about unity, education, finding common ground, health care, and taking responsibility to make the American dream a reality in each of our lives. I can't wait to see what McCain has to throw back at him tomorrow. Neither can I wait for the announcement of his VP pick. You know, I love a good election year.

And my third reason for posting. Stacey tagged me so I need to respond. Let's see how this goes.

The Rules:
•Link the person(s) who tagged you.
•Mention the rules on your blog.
•Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

6 Unspectacular Quirks in no particular order.
  • Refer to the second reason why I posted.
  • Like Stacey, I also hold the Redford gene that makes me prone to tears. For example. DJ and I are new to our ward here in Spokane. One of the first people to talk to me was a cute lady in a wheel chair. She complimented the sarong I was wearing for a skirt and welcomed me to the ward. I knew this lady lived in an assisted living center and because she told me a little about it. Lo and behold, two weeks later it was announced in church that she had passes. I literally bawled for the rest of Sacrament meeting. Luckily I had DJ to hide me, but seriously, I knew her for two weeks and had talked to her for 15 minutes. The following Sunday they talked about her memorial service and I cried again.
  • I had no desire to change my name after I got married. I let DJ know that, he didn't like that, so we came to a compromise. My name is now Melissa Renae Redford Berezay. I technically have two last names according to the Social Security office. While at church and in my personal life I will use Berezay, I will continue to use Redford at work. Why? do you ask. I don't want to change my work email. I have spent 9 months building relationships will people all over Spokane to donate to Easter Seals and I do not want my emails getting blocked by junk mail servers because these servers do not recognize mberezay. DJ will get his way of myself becoming a fully converted Berezay when I quit my job I guess.
  • is my homepage. I have to know what the news is every time I get on the internet. You may be wondering why I chose Washington Post out of all the news websites out there. There are two reasons for this. 1. They have the best Sudoku and word puzzles. 2. Because it is based in Washington DC political news is their top priority. Also, world news receives a lot of coverage for the same reason.
  • I have to beat Sudoku and Mega Sudoku every day. On Mondays I have to make up for the ones I missed on Saturday and Sunday. Man I feel good when I beat a 5 star mega Sudoku.
  • I am a Canadian. Honestly I don't know how I feel about this. A part of me is so excited to be connected to my family that way, the other part of me feels like a hypocrite for all the times I've made fun of Canada and Canadians. Because my parents are natural born Canadians I am recognized as a citizen by their government. I've decided to get proof. It will make crossing the border a little easier I think.
I'm tired so I'll take care of the tagging tomorrow.

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