Thursday, November 20, 2008


I was supposed to watch Twilight last night with two of my sisters and our friend Brittany. I was so stoked. I was going to drive down to Pullman, see all my favorite Theatre people, and have a good time. Well....the driver bringing the film decided he could make it till this morning, so there was no employee preview for me to go down to. I haven't read the Twilight books because I hate reading the book first, it always ruins the movie. Oh well, I guess I'll wait till Thanksgiving to see it.

So right after Stacey calls to tell me its a no go DJ calls me because he's off work. He lets me know they're staying to work part of Friday and won't be home till Friday night. He was supposed to come home tonight and we were going to buy a new TV tomorrow. The only good thing about him not coming home till Friday is that it may mean that next Wednesday will be there last day on the job and he will be home everyday. I guess I can give up a Friday if it means he is done next week, I just wish I didn't have to.

Other then that life is actually going very well.

1 comment:

Amanda Impett said...

Bummer! I don't know much about this movie Twilight but I know how it feels to look forward to something and then not be able to do it. I'm glad you found out though before you got all the way to Pullman though