Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I don't want to brag, but I guess my endorsement is very powerful. OK so I'm totally joking but HECK YEA!! I've been pretty emotional tonight. I was so proud that at 8 pm when the polls officially closed in Washington, Barack Hussein Obama was announced the 44th President of the United States of America. I cried tears of joy to have been a participator and a supporter in the most important Presidential election our country has ever experienced. I am so excited to see how the world reacts tomorrow. I was deeply moved by Senator McCain's speech tonight, and saddened that such a great man was never rewarded the highest political office. I hope he knows how important he has been to our country. I have said this over and over again, had it been anyone but Mr. Obama, he would have been priviledged to have received my vote. I believe that many feel the same as I do. Here's to a brighter tomorrow.


Kimberley said...

You and I are just going to have to agree to disagree. I have grave concerns about Barack Obama and I am as entitled to those concerns as you are entitled to your support of him. So, yes, let's hope for a better tomorrow.

Amanda Impett said...

I feel the same however I have a very conservative family so I keep it to myself in regards to my political views. I am just happy also that American's have gotten up off their behinds and are getting out to vote. Today was a good day I didn't cry tears of joy but my voice is hoarse from cheering.

The Gang said...

Wow, you already have 2 comments and it has only been 23 min. I have to say there were tears shed in our house as well but it was Jaselynne crying because John McCain did not win. :) She thinks because Obama won he is going to come and take the money outta her penny bank(taxes)he-he kinda funny huh! See ya this weekend!

Kimberley said...

To comment on your comment. Most of America did not vote for Obama. Last time I checked almost half the country voted for McCain. So yes, Obama won the electoral vote but in the popular vote it shows the country was pretty divided.

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

thanks for the advice but I won't read his books. I have to still with my feeling on this. I also don't think America will get better, because it's not supposed to. We are in the last days and as prophised the constitution will hang by a thread, whether it's during obama's time or not we live in a time where things will only get worse not better and during general conference and stake conference all that was prophised was to be prepared that things are getting worse at a more rapid rate. I am not scared, just trying to be prepared that is all we can do. That is all we have been told to do over and over.

Just Asking ... said...

Hey Comrades, velcome to the USSA. I have vitnessed history, for the first time, Socialism has come out of the closet. I look forward to paying more taxes and doing forced community service and paying allegiance to Obama every time the "brownshirt" Obama Civilian squad comes marching by. My papers vill be ready every time I am asked to show them. Hail to the new USSA! Everyone, velcome the new American Experience!

Just Asking ... said...

I would like to point out that Barack Obama did not reference Bob the Builder everytime he shouted "Yes we can!" That is full fledged plagarism!

spforsyth said...

I just do not get it. First off, what is with the whole doomsday talk. For crying out loud, the last eight years have been some of the most disastrous in American history. We have been attacked on our own soil, we are currently engaged in two wars, one of them based on deceit and lies, our economy is in the greatest tailspin since the depression, and we have recorded the greatest deficit in the history of this nation. Now who was the leadership of the last 8 years??? George W. Bush and the Republican party. So despite all this turmoil we are in due to failed policy and horrible leadership we have people saying that the end of the world is coming because a genuine human being who truly cares about the welfare of this nation takes office. Give me a break. To all you Republicans, how about you take ownership of your vote. How about you recognize that you directly influenced the mess we are in. You people sicken me with your finger pointing, your hate, and your hypocrisy. All you care about is money and your own well-being. God forbid it when this country no longer cares about the poor, the under-priviliged or the ill. Now to the one who said that Obama only won because he is black, take a long look in the mirror, your ignorance is sickening. Mr. Obama won because he inspires, simple as that. Do you not know the history of this nation. Do you not realize that when the White House was first built it was serviced by slave labor of Black men and women. Do you not realize that for hundreds of years Black men, women and children were forced slaves on this continent who were treated worse than animals? Do you not recall the civil rights movement? The assassination of MLK, the banning of Blacks in major sports, or the segregation of blacks from whites under the premise of separate but equal? So give me a break. He won because he inspires. He won because he offered hope from the disaster of the Bush presidency. And just a case in point, how did he win if he was black in a state like Iowa? A state he won by nine points, a state that is predominantly white. How? Tell me. Now to Trent and Kim, Obama won by a landslide. In the terms of presidential politics he won by a huge majority, 52-46% The last Democrat to win by such a majority was LBJ and he won by 51%, so get your facts straight. Either way he won the popular vote and the electoral college by a romp. And lastly to just asking...if you can't stand a president who speaks words of peace, hope, and kindness, just leave the country, we could do away with ignorant people like you anyhow.

Just Asking ... said...

Dear SPFORSYTH, may I say that was an elloquent and straight forward comment from someone who is obviously a Barack Obama supporter. Good for you. Great job in pointing out the meaningless facts that everyone likes to point out about the Republican party. Thank you for showing LBJ's statistics and showcasing that BHO had a larger majority. Although, remember that being Democrat and for Civil Rights was unpopular. Remember Al Gore's father voted against Civil Rights and LBJ needed the Republican Party to get the Civil Rights through Congress. But, I'll let that one pass. Let's move on through history and not forget that it was the likes of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who pushed the mortgage mess through the sludge until it became the mess it is today, ruining the economy until it crashed under a president who put a tax plan in place that brought the U.S. out of the dot.com crash fathered by the liberal savior Bill Clinton. But, I'll let that one slide. I'll let slide the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan assuming that you don't really study what is going on in the U.S. and finding that there has not been any evidence to deceit and lies. I'll let that slide because I figure you were just trapped by the American Media out to destroy GWB because he was conservative and the media is blatantly liberal. I'll let that slide because you easily gave into that way of thinking because that is all we hear about 75% of the time on T.V. and only 25% of the time is filled with, well, who knows what. And maybe we can let slide the media's active part in destroying McCain through constant negative news shows. And maybe we can let slide that they aren't the watchdog to the U.S. people, but the guarddog for the Democrat Party. But, lastly, a man who cares about this country, whose wife said she has never been proud of it, who attended a church that condemned it, who associated with a man who bombed it, who taught with a man who spoke up to destroy it and who laughed with a man who wanted to only destroy those who were, well, for no other word, white. Maybe he was elected because he was black, nothing wrong with that, maybe the entire U.S. didn't support him, nothing wrong with that, and maybe he did plagarize Bob the Builder. What you have showcased perfectly Mr./Mrs./Ms. SPFORSYTH is the elitist way of defending. Touche on the deficit, but that is about all you have to hold on to. Next time you want to argue your facts, make sure you know the history of each one, not the paraphrased version this countries school system is teaching these days. Know who did what and how they did it and where they were when they did it and why they did it and all who were involved. Lastly, Hitler inspired. Lenon inspired. Stalin inspired. Castro inspired. Chavez inspired. Inspiration isn't a good thing all the time. But, I will gladly show my allegiance to the "brownshirts with black ties and the arm band on the left arm" every time they march by. Hail the new savior Barack Husien Obama!

Tiffany Fackrell said...

hahaha, some of these comments are funny, although, some are pretty straight forward and have said some things I have wanted to say also, just didn't have the guts to do it!!!! hahaha look what you have started Melissa!!

spforsyth said...

First off, you spelled Hussein wrong...but i will let that slide. Secondly, I have studied history and social studies for 4.5 years. I have two bachelors degrees to prove it and I graduated with honors, magna cum laude. So there is no need to lecture me on historical matters...but I will let that slide, also. Oh wait, I guess my education does not count in your book, does it? I guess all that money I spent for higher learning was a part of some leftist conspiracy to destroy conservatism. Give me a break. Let me guess, you are the type that locks himself/herself in their room and watches fox news and only fox news under the premise that it is fair and balanced. Gain some perspective, please. I understand despite whatever party is in office there are mistakes made, it is a fact of human nature. You however seem to believe that the republican party is infallible, and that all troubles that befall our nation are the product of those nasty liberals. Your line of attack is typical and has been refused by the American people. So 8 years from now when the Obama presidency is past, if we are so lucky enough to match the prosperity of the Clinton years, please get back to me. I look forward to hearing your explanation of how it was actually George W. Bush that caused the success. Because you know us democrats just don't understand, you know, with the media spoon-feeding us all these lies.

Kimberley said...

You may be unaware that you are attacking Melissa's siblings. Most of us have college degrees and some of us have more than one. This is supposed to be a political debate and not a personal attack. So let's end this and that include's "Just Asking..." (Brad)
P.S. This comment was posted with Melissa's approval as she is currently on the road and does not have access to a computer.

spforsyth said...

I stand by my words. I am done writing.

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anonymous said...

I am very, very concerned with the Supreme Court justices he is going to pick; he will probably pick 3-4. That's a huge worry.

DJ and Melissa said...

I can understand that concern, but really how do they know how the justices will be? Reagan appointed some of the most liberal and conservative justices on the court. Conservative presidents have had the advantage to appoint conservative justices. We honestly don't know how a justice will vote till the opportunity arises. We can judge by their past history. Let's take Sandra Day O'Connor for example. She was a very conservative judge who when presented the opportunity to vote down Roe v. Wade she voted to uphold it. I just felt like their were more issues then what justices they would pick.