Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its been awhile...

I know I haven't posted for a long time. But I'm kinda stressed out. Combine a calling, a very demanding remodel job, and the need to raise at least $20,000 (preferably more) by the end of May, and very little time is left for posting.

So here is my plea. If you want me to post more then fundraise for Easter Seals. You don't actually have to attend a walk, just get me the money :). People with disabilities are left out of life due to ignorance and discrimination. I'm finding out more and more how easy it is to help a person live their fullest life. You want proof? Go to this link and check out Taysha's story. If you're in Moses Lake go to Pioneer Pit Stop and but a few dollars in their fundraising jar. Ask your employer to match your donation. Ask friends and family to donate. $5, $10, and $20 donations quickly add up.

You can submit donations online at www.walkwithme.org/spokane.


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