Monday, June 29, 2009

Catch up

So this is a quick post to let you all know we're alive and well. I'll have to do a DC post, one I've been avoiding. I'll get to it another time. Most everyone has figured out that we're expecting a baby in December. Sorry if I didn't tell you myself, but I have good reasons. We found out right before we left for DC in April, and decided not to tell our parents till Mother's day. On our trip our friends figured it out because I was avoiding eating some things I normally would and would get really tired at night. So they knew, but were sworn to secrecy. Then by the time Mother's day came around I was feeling so sick I wasn't excited about being pregnant anymore. So we told our families and I didn't tell anyone else because I was mad at this monster inside of me that took all of my energy away. DJ told our ward and everyone he has come in contact with (waiters, drive thru cashiers, the lady cutting his hair, you get the idea). Well the good news is I'm on Zophran, it works, and I haven't been nauseous for a week. A couple days ago I started getting adventurous and can now eat a little protein and carbs again. But we're going to stick with the nickname Monster until this kid is born.

Today is the day I realized I'm having a baby. I looked on Craigslist for cribs and found a great one for $60, including the mattress. We tested it out, shook it to see if it moved, and felt confident in the purchase. Since I still do not have a completed room to put it in, it has been disassembled and will be taken to our storage unit tomorrow to hang out with all our nice stuff for a few more months while we get this house ready for Monster.


The Gang said...

Tell monster his/her Aunt and Uncle don't think he/she is a monster! Good nickname but he/she is perfect from how we're lookin at it! :) Really cute crib too!

Cassidy said...

Congratulations!! That's awesome! Sorry you were sick!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

Yeah congrats!! I am glad the medication is working for you!! I'm sure it makes life a whole lot better.

Samantha said...

Oh Melissa sorry you were so sick. I'm glad you found something that's making you feel better. Can I tell you how excited I am for you to have a baby? It's such great news!

Kevin and Eliza said...

How wonderful! I'm so excited for you and your hubby. Cute crib, that was a great deal. I'm glad your feeling better. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes better.

eL Smith said...

Congrats Melissa! Sorry that you haven't been feeling well though. You can check out our personal blog to see our good news as well:

eL Smith said...

Our first trimester ultrasound was definitely surreal. The image of the baby was very clear, but it was completely still, which was concerning at first, because we had been scheduled to have the ultrasound, because our OB was unable to hear a heart beat with the doppler. The ultrasound technician did zoom in so that we could see that the baby's heart was beating though, and that was a relief. It did move around for a minute at the very end of the ultrasound, and it was strange to know that what we were seeing was inside of me, but still not be able to feel it.
Anyways, we are still living in Pullman. We wanted to go to your garden party in Spokane, to celebrate your wedding, since Matt grew up with DJ, and I had known you in college, but I was the photographer for Matt's brother's wedding that same Saturday.
I've been following your blog ever since.

Renee' P said...

DJ Congrats!!! It's about time!!! Congrats, congrats!!!!

Amanda Impett said...

Congratulations to you both. I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better. I like that nickname that works. What a nice "Christmas" gift for you both. I like the crib too what a great deal I like craigslist too. I'm kinda a craigslist junkie lol.

Dave and Abby said...

Congratulations to the "Swing Kid" and his darling wife (whom I've never met, but have heard is adorable.)
Abby Nordstrom Thuet

Jandre said...

yay!! you announced it on my birthday!!! Congrats guys. I'm so happy for you!! Life as you know it, is about to begin. These are the happiest, most stressful times of you life. I wouldn't trade them for a minute!!!

anonymous said...

I am so sorry you were sick. That is really, really horrible.
