Today Christian went from being a little boy to being a little man....he was circumcised. I really did not want to do this, but DJ was pretty adamant about it. Since he is also male I was convinced by others that he should have a bit more of a say about what happens with the boys.
We both felt like huge softies when we both teared up when they took him away. But my little man is a champ. He handled it just fine and is now napping peacefully. It looks pretty good, so I'm hoping recovery is quick and easy.
Christian also had his two week check up today. He has gained a pound since leaving the hospital, putting him at 7lbs 5 oz. That made me feel good. Its nice to know all those hours spent nursing were not wasted. His head is in the 25th percentile and he is still 20 1/4 inches long. He is spending more time awake during the day. We've also introduced him to the bottle, which is has taken very well. One bottle was pumped milk, which he had at Grandma and Grandpa Berezays. This morning DJ fed him a bottle of formula, which he also took very well. He really is a great little man.
Christian also had his two week check up today. He has gained a pound since leaving the hospital, putting him at 7lbs 5 oz. That made me feel good. Its nice to know all those hours spent nursing were not wasted. His head is in the 25th percentile and he is still 20 1/4 inches long. He is spending more time awake during the day. We've also introduced him to the bottle, which is has taken very well. One bottle was pumped milk, which he had at Grandma and Grandpa Berezays. This morning DJ fed him a bottle of formula, which he also took very well. He really is a great little man.
What sweet little guy! I'm glad it went well and he's growing!
Congratulations on having your little boy hear on earth! I'm glad things went well and I hope the recovery goes well. What a cute little guy. He sounds like a wonderful baby.
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