We blessed Christian this past Sunday. He was such a good baby for it. DJ gave him a great blessing and he slept right through it. It was awesome to get the Berezays and Redfords together afterwards. We counted that between the two families, Christian had over 50 people at his blessing and 12 men in the circle. He will have plenty of support as he grows up.
I have to give a shout out to my sister in law Charice for hosting the brunch after his blessing. Her house was the perfect place. And another shout out to my sister in law Kim for taking Christian's blessing photos. She's still making them pretty but put some up on her blog. Check them out
My sister Kim showed me some very cute, but very expensive blessing outfits on some website. I was so tempted to buy them, but reluctant to pay over $100 for an outfit. So I searched the internet for some crochet patterns to see if I could maybe make something similar. I've only crocheted scarfs and maybe one little blanket before, so I really had no idea what I was doing. I found a pattern for free on alicefowler.com and my mom found me a how to crochet book. So I went at it, but it took a lot longer then I expected. I finally finished at 6am on the day he was blessed. But I'm going to admit it, the outfit turned out perfect.
I have to give another thank you for everyone for coming. The Redfords drove over the night before, including Brad and Anne from Seattle. It was their first time seeing Christian. I'm really glad they were able to make it. Also a special thanks to Justin for sleeping on our couch. I know we're a little cramped still but having him was actually very helpful. And thanks again to the Berezays for hosting the lunch and welcoming us all out to the "compound". Love you all!