Sunday, March 14, 2010

Starting the habit early

I should have known that even a 2 month old would love to stare at a 52" screen....Align CenterHere is a close up so you can see how he arched his back so he could watch.
Silly baby. Now here are some giggles just for fun.

FYI: Christian's best friend Charlie is expected any day now!

Oh and I took a shower the other day and found this secret message. He forgot the "you" but I figured he meant me.
I desperately need to clean my mirror but am not quite ready to erase this just yet. :)
I made a Moby wrap to carry Christian. Its great for shopping and doing housework when he wants to be held. Here's a picture of me wearing it in the with him forward facing. See what I mean by messy mirror?


Renee' P said...

I LOVE my moby wrap! You made yours! Way to go! Good for you! I bought mine at Mother's Haven in Coeur de lane! LOVE IT!
Can't wait to put the next bundle of joy in it :)
He's such a cuttie :)

The Gang said...

I bought fabric to make my own but never did. Good Job. Cute post!

Amanda Impett said...

Christian has good taste in tv shows. That's too cute.

Clark perrins said...


HaightFamily said...

Ellie watches tv too! Its pretty funny...Its gotta be the pretty colors and movement that gets them.