DJ, Melissa, Christian & Vienne
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Me time.
I am definitely one of those mom's who needs me time. Usually its in the evenings after we put the kids to bed, so usually after 8. Last night little Miss Vienne decided she did not want to sleep and that she needed to stay up with mom and watch The Bachelor. No matter what we did, she would wake herself up and decide she wasn't tired. At 11 she finally decided she could fall asleep. I was stressed, flustered and exhausted. My morning started off terribly. I woke up still feeling stressed and tired. Both kids were snotty and coughing. I've been trying to go to the gym everyday at 10am. Work pays the membership and the gym provides childcare. I love the ladies that work their and my kids love playing with different toys for an hour. It also gives me another chance to get rejuvenated. After about 20 minutes of cleaning their faces, I realize I can't take them to child care with snotty noses. I was mad. So this post is a thank you to my mom. Thank you for coming over even though your morning was not going so well either so that I could leave my kids home, go to my pilates class, and come home relaxed, happy, and a much better mom.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A new day
n still take up to another year before they pay for them and I'm sick of the monthly payments. It'll be close quarters, but at least less space to clean right? We're just really lucky that my parents have the apartment. My kids are still small enough that they really don't care where we live.
So here's a recent photo of my little monsters.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The stats are in
She loves to blow her spit around.
Here's a cute one from bath time to show off her lovely curves.
Christian loves to lay by her when she's on the floor. Here he's laughing because she's "tickling" him. He laid on her hand and she was just trying to get it back.
And now my handsome boy. He pulled a little girl's hair today at the gym. She screamed at him so he pulled her hair, making her scream some more. We'll be working on gentle touches a bit more this week. I love seeing his language progress. His ability to understand and take direction has improved so much this week. He did not want to leave a car he'd been playing with at the gym today.
And one of him and me. He wanted to take one together.
Update on goals. They're going well. I've been to the gym twice now. I'm going to try to get there every day this week. Having two babies so close is tough on the body. Add a broken foot to the mess and what do you get? A body in desperate need of muscle tone, lifting, and shrinking. All you moms know exactly what I'm talking about. Well I better to get to bed so I have energy to bring it tomorrow.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I love conference Sundays. DJ worked last night so I set the DVR to record the sessions. My kids slept in till 9 which was a great way to start the day. Us three watched the first session together. Christian surprisingly played very quietly. He thought it was very interesting when I sang along to "We Thank Thee Oh God For the Prophet." I loved the general YW's presidents talk about raising daughters. After the first session was over the kids and I went for a good walk and then both the kids went down for naps. I waited to watch the second session till DJ got up. We both really liked the talk about missionary work and of course President Monson was so uplifting both sessions.
Something exciting for me was I cooked up some purple potatoes I got at the Farmer's market. They are so beautiful and taste almost like any other potato. I liked that they seemed to stay together rather then mush up like a russet or yukon will. I see them used all the time on Iron Chef and Chopped. I was so curious about them and happy I was able to find some here in Moses Lake!
Some kid updates. Christian has become a very obedient little boy. I'll admit that I was really worried about his ability to obey before and after Vienne was born. It seemed that he really did not want to listen when I told him no, so I stopped. I made a conscious effort to not use the word no with him for about a week. I saw on the Doctors that children will listen more quickly if you instruct them what to do, rather then what not to do. Duh, of course they would. It took a few weeks before I saw any progress. Like all lessons, it took a lot of practice and follow through to break the bad habits we both had and learn the better habits. Now to keep up with it!
Vienne amazes me at how observant she is and how much control she is gaining over her movements. Yesterday we were in Spokane for a wedding. I took my niece Isabelle with me so she could watch mine and my sister Stacey's kids. After the wedding we went to the mall where we also picked up some food. I had Vienne forward facing in the baby bjorn. She almost knocked a bowl off of the tray I was carrying because she was trying to grab it. She'll see Christian or I touch something and try to get it herself. She just wants to be able to move. Tomorrow we find out how big she has gotten over the past 2 months. Until then...
Something exciting for me was I cooked up some purple potatoes I got at the Farmer's market. They are so beautiful and taste almost like any other potato. I liked that they seemed to stay together rather then mush up like a russet or yukon will. I see them used all the time on Iron Chef and Chopped. I was so curious about them and happy I was able to find some here in Moses Lake!
Some kid updates. Christian has become a very obedient little boy. I'll admit that I was really worried about his ability to obey before and after Vienne was born. It seemed that he really did not want to listen when I told him no, so I stopped. I made a conscious effort to not use the word no with him for about a week. I saw on the Doctors that children will listen more quickly if you instruct them what to do, rather then what not to do. Duh, of course they would. It took a few weeks before I saw any progress. Like all lessons, it took a lot of practice and follow through to break the bad habits we both had and learn the better habits. Now to keep up with it!
Vienne amazes me at how observant she is and how much control she is gaining over her movements. Yesterday we were in Spokane for a wedding. I took my niece Isabelle with me so she could watch mine and my sister Stacey's kids. After the wedding we went to the mall where we also picked up some food. I had Vienne forward facing in the baby bjorn. She almost knocked a bowl off of the tray I was carrying because she was trying to grab it. She'll see Christian or I touch something and try to get it herself. She just wants to be able to move. Tomorrow we find out how big she has gotten over the past 2 months. Until then...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I locked Vienne in the car last night, not on purpose.
She did not wake up well from her afternoon nap. Nothing was making her happy so I figured she needed a car ride. I always latch her in the car first because Christian is behind the driver's seat so its just easier to do him second. I decided to drop the keys and my phone on the passenger seat after putting her in the back. While I dropped the keys I hit the lock button. The car beeped twice so I thought I hit the unlock button and didn't worry about it. Apparently I hit the lock button twice. I shut her door and the car beeped again, meaning it was locked. Well I wasn't too concerned because we keep a spare key in the kitchen, or do we? As I'm searching for the key I remember I grabbed the spare key a week ago to drive with it because I was too lazy to find my keys. I then put the spare key in the glove box after using it that one time a week ago, don't ask me why. I start to panic when I realize my baby is crying and locked in the car. I grabbed Christian and ran over to our neighbors the Johnston's.
Ironically today, she's been a relatively easy baby and didn't freak out when it was time to get in the car to go to the park. Thankfully babies have short memories and forgive quickly. For your enjoyment I've put up two cute pictures of both. Christian has claimed Vienne's swing as his own. Which is fine because she never really liked it. Vienne is sitting her her bumpo chair playing with a toy. She is quite fascinating with that one.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The last 3 and 1/2 months.
I'm going to try to summarize the last few months. They've kind of been a blur, but things are starting to settle and I realize I haven't documented anything. Christian is the cutest big brother. He constantly wants to give his sister kisses, hugs, and he likes to suck on her feet. He tries to hold her and its so cute. Luckily he is good at playing on his own, because Vienne had to deal with colic. The poor girl just could not settle from about 2 weeks to 10 weeks. We spent our days on the exercise ball, bouncing away. Here she is posed in her blessing dress. She's a strong little girl. She is in the 100th percentile for height and weight, her head is close behind. She can roll over from front to back and back to front and has done so for a week now. She desperately wants to sit up on her own, thankfully her bumpo chair helps. She loves to coo, giggle, make eye contact, and play with her toys.
Christian is growing up so fast. He is picking up new words quickly now. The ones we can understand are car, all done, please, hi, moo, vroom, Jesus, momma, and dad. He sings along to his nursery rhyme book and folds his arms for prayer. He loves to go to nursery. Sister Tolley and Sister Rouche are his leaders. His favorite toys are anything with wheels and anything kitchen related.
We blessed Vienne on July 3rd and all our family and friends came over for it.
We spent most of the summer at home where Vienne was most comfortable, but we were able to spend 4th of July in Spokane to watch the fireworks, make a few trips to the aquatic center, and frequent the farmer's market. We even moved into the end unit of the 4 plex we live in. My goal for fall is to start going to the gym again, get to know the new people in our ward, and be more social.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Vienne Rose ~ May 23, 2011
Vienne has come! Here's her story:

Sunday, May 15, I made DJ come home from work early (he was working nights) because I was certain I was in labor. Right before my ob appointment that morning my contractions stopped.
Tuesday, May 17, I had an acupuncture appointment. The goal was to help the body prime for labor, shortening the length and intensity of labor.
Sunday, May 22, went on an hour and a half walk with DJ and Christian.
Monday, May 23, woke up to mild contractions. Didn't think anything of it because they were at least 10 minutes apart. Went for another long walk before my ob appointment that morning. Contractions began to hurt a bit, but were still pretty far apart.
11 am ob appointment. Found out I was dilated to 4cm. Water broke while my midwife, Sherri Russell was checking baby's position. I was definitely in labor!
We went in to the hospital around 2pm. Mom needed to take care of a few things before she could watch Christian and I wanted to wait till I started to get the good, strong labor contractions. I was at a 6 when we arrived and very excited at how quickly I was progressing. Two hours later I was still at a 6. I didn't want to get up and walk because my foot was swollen and hurt (the stupid "screwed" up one, haha). It also hurt too bad to be in bed. With my first labor I stalled for 8 hours after getting to the hospital, needing pitocin to kick start labor again. This time I decided to use a light epidural because I had to stay in bed. Well it worked. I got the epi around 5 and was ready to push by 6:30. Apparently Vienne was very ready to be born because it only took a small push to bring her head forward. My midwife made me stop pushing because she was not ready to deliver her yet. So we waited till the next contractions and she just slid out right at 6:40 according to the monitor. She was completely covered in vernix,
but was still very cute. I was very surprised to find out she was 8 lbs, 3 oz and 20 inches long for being 1 to 2 weeks early. Christian was only 6 lbs 14 oz born the day before his due date.
My Mom and Kim went home to get
Christian and bring him up to see Vienne that evening. He loved her. His whole face light up when DJ brought her over to him.
Sunday, May 15, I made DJ come home from work early (he was working nights) because I was certain I was in labor. Right before my ob appointment that morning my contractions stopped.
Tuesday, May 17, I had an acupuncture appointment. The goal was to help the body prime for labor, shortening the length and intensity of labor.
Sunday, May 22, went on an hour and a half walk with DJ and Christian.
Monday, May 23, woke up to mild contractions. Didn't think anything of it because they were at least 10 minutes apart. Went for another long walk before my ob appointment that morning. Contractions began to hurt a bit, but were still pretty far apart.
11 am ob appointment. Found out I was dilated to 4cm. Water broke while my midwife, Sherri Russell was checking baby's position. I was definitely in labor!
We went in to the hospital around 2pm. Mom needed to take care of a few things before she could watch Christian and I wanted to wait till I started to get the good, strong labor contractions. I was at a 6 when we arrived and very excited at how quickly I was progressing. Two hours later I was still at a 6. I didn't want to get up and walk because my foot was swollen and hurt (the stupid "screwed" up one, haha). It also hurt too bad to be in bed. With my first labor I stalled for 8 hours after getting to the hospital, needing pitocin to kick start labor again. This time I decided to use a light epidural because I had to stay in bed. Well it worked. I got the epi around 5 and was ready to push by 6:30. Apparently Vienne was very ready to be born because it only took a small push to bring her head forward. My midwife made me stop pushing because she was not ready to deliver her yet. So we waited till the next contractions and she just slid out right at 6:40 according to the monitor. She was completely covered in vernix,
My Mom and Kim went home to get
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