Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rolling along

Today Christian rolled over for the first time by himself. I put him down to play with his floor mat. I then started to go through his clothes weeding out those he's grown out of. I look over to see him on his side, almost over, just his arm keeping him from going over. He's trying to grab one of the toys. I go over, totally excited, to cheer him on. He started to lose interest in the toy. I was bummed because he does that, and then just gives up. So I tried enticing him with a new toy. It worked for a little bit then he lost interest in that as well. But lo and behold, he caught a glimpse of his binky and that sealed the deal. He plopped over to grab it. Of course it didn't last long, he hates tummy time. So after a minute on his tummy he was pretty upset. I positioned his arm and leg and he rolled to his back. It won't be long before he's all over the floor. I'm just grateful we're probably moving soon so he can have some more space.

He had his 4 month check up last week. He is now 16 lbs (60%) and 27 inches (90%!) He is still a tall, lean boy.

Here is a picture of him and his two cousins that were born within months of him on the Berezay side. Lucky kid will have lots of cousins to grow up with! Isabella was born last October and Ashton was born about a month ago. Christian and Ashton are the first grandsons with the Berezay last name, so that's pretty cool.

We were also lucky to go to Jordan's baby shower. Here is Tiffany's boy Bridger with Christian. They had some fun checking each other out.

There was some arm sucking...

Until both realized they were not sucking on their own arms.

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