Monday, July 21, 2008

New Adventure!

I was called to be my ward's YW President yesterday. I've known for a couple of weeks but it really hit home when I was sustained and set apart. I have a couple of girls who come to church, but our ward has a lot of inactive members, meaning I have a lot of girls not coming. I just found out we have a about 8 girls who are investigators or from part member families that are interested in coming to church so I am stoked about that. If you have any experiences helping reactivate families or a great YW activity that you've done, please let me know!!! I have two great counselors who I know are excited to work so don't be afraid to offer a suggestion that may be time consuming. Thanks!


Child of God said...

One time we put together a video called "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" The point was about modesty. When you lift your arms to your head do you see your belly, are your shoulders covered, are shorts/skirts to your knees, and when you touch your toes where is your slit or does your back show. Its an easy way to check to see if your modest and it was fun. First we did "immodest" clothing, then we did modest. We put it to music. The tricky thing was getting permission from the store to let us video tape.

Amanda Impett said...

Congratulations on your calling...I hate to admit it but I have bounced in and out of activity over the years for various reasons which are not important...the best thing you can do for all the girls but especially the inactive ones is to love them it sounds simple but if they know they are loved that will go a long way. I have responded best when I have known that I am more than just a number that I am loved and that I am missed. Talk to them get to know them and offer your assistance it may be something as simple as they don't have a ride. Good luck!!!

Sylvia Marie said...

Wow that is a really neat calling! I work in the Young Women's as a beehive advisor, and I love it! i hope all is going great with you newlyweds!